2014 年より京都を拠点に、住宅や店舗などの建築と家具の設計・製作を⼿掛ける。建築家 の吉⽥隆⼈が主宰する設計事務所と⼭中清雄、⼤⻄仁、⼭⼝健太郎の3名の家具職⼈が、共にものづくりに取り組んでいる。また建築の施⼯も、パートナーである⼯務店・ヤマサキ建築事務所と協働。デザインするだけではなく、素材に触れ、⼿を動かし、考えることとつくることを往復しながら、建築や家具がかたちづくられることを⼤切にしている。
ikken is an architectural design studio located in Kyoto that specializes in the design and construction of houses and shops, as well as the fixtures and furniture within those spaces.
The architectural studio is led by the architect Takato Yoshida, and the interior fixtures and furniture are produced by three craftsmen: Kiyoo Yamanaka, Hitoshi Onishi, and Kentaro Yamaguchi. The construction of the architectural buildings is headed by the building contractor Yamasaki Architecture Studio. ikken specializes in creating holistic architectural spaces using designs that are informed and improved by partnerships with craftsmen, careful consideration of the building material, and a hands- on process of building and furniture development.